When I arrived at Nima, I was immediately impressed with their serene colors and modern, but comfortable vibe (of course bc I’m right brained and extremely visual). It was even more exciting to see their new Beauty Bar. So what is a Beauty Bar you might ask (don’t worry, I asked the same thing)? It is a really chic area to sit and hang out, while trying different skin care products. It’s similar to a beautiful makeup counter, but set up bar style, so therefore a lot more personable, comfortable and relaxing. The girls filled me in on all of the latest and greatest skin care products and answered all of my questions with patience and kindness…which was great considering I’m Curious George and ask A LOT of questions. After weighting out all of my options, I left with the state art Skin Medica TNS Essential Serum. Listen, I DON’T endorse anything I don’t believe in, so don’t take this lightly, I have fallen in love with a serum (is that even legal)! It’s a patented growth factor serum filled with antioxidants, peptides and other anti aging properties. I swear on all things Oprah (holy ground here) that in the two weeks I have been using the serum 3 different people have asked me what foundation I use! I only wear foundation to special events, photoshoot or my acting gigs…none of which were happening when I was asked! Two weeks in it’s hard to say, but I think I am in for life!
The ladies at Nima Graciously agreed to offer my readers the chance to win a luxurious day at the spa! You can enter on their Instagram page @nimanow or by clicking the icon below. Best of Luck!
Shop the Spa Look

Wow thats great to know about the serum! Nothing better than a spa day!
xoxo, Ally