Chicwish Lace Baby Doll Dress (similar style)
Kersh Green Military Jacket (similar style)
The return of the baby doll….never thought i’d say that. It is amazing how what was old is new again. I used to save all of my old clothes hoping they would come back in style, but after dust collecting piles would linger in my closet forever, I soon realized that when something comes back, it’s usually got a new spin on it and I don’t end up using my saved items anyway. Styles that come back usually have a new look.
I have to say this baby doll is fairly close to it’s past distant relatives of the 90s. The only difference is that my old baby dolls usually had a big artificial sunflower or daisy on the collar (eewwwww).
This lace baby doll dress by Chicwish, is an easy way to try the newly emerging trend. You can pair them with anything. Those who follow the site know that I believe in pairing opposing items in order to create the perfectly balanced undone look. That I why I chose these navy combat boots by Carlos Pazolini. Carlos Pazolini shoes are great because they encompass the high end European inspired designs and quality, but are more affordable than most high end designers. I am throwing these babies on with everything. Dresses, jeans and Shorts!
Return of the Jedi
Return of the King
Return to Witch Mountain
Return of the Mack
Return of Baby Doll (I’m officially a geek)!

this look is so on point — love the feminine babydoll with the army jacket and boots!
Thank you so much for your kind words. Have a lovey day. xo
I love the boots with the dress. Well done
Carlos Pazolini makes some great items. I am crazy about these boots.
Looking beautiful in this outfit! I like the mix of military and girly looks!
Natali, thank you for your comment. Chicwish has so many great and affordable pieces.
great look! and that handbag is gorgeous!
How beautiful is the gold foil or the snakeskin?? Metalskin has truly unique bags
and the snakeskin not or : )
You can literally pull off anything! I love how you layered the babydoll dress with the Kersh Green military jacket. It’s definitely a unique spin but you make it work together perfectly 🙂
xo from Toronto!
Thank you Natalie!
Thank you!
This dress is amazing, looks great on you!
Love that you paired such a pretty soft dress with those boots and the jacket. Very chic take on the look!
XoXo One Stiletto At A Time